Sow What…..and other ramblings.

a journal of a garden and whatever crosses my mind

Adventure drinking?

1 Comment

finchWe have two bird baths, but I have never seen a bird near either of them, although both are refilled regularly. In the last few weeks, since large black ants invaded the hummingbird feeder and forced us to add an ant guard, we have seen several birds light for a drink. The hummingbird is not happy with this arrangement.

finchtailtitmouse titmouse tail

Author: photogal99

Gardening, bargain hunting, cat-loving girl who is obessessed with social media and the beach.

One thought on “Adventure drinking?

  1. Adorable!

    JUDI Date: Tue, 4 Aug 2015 00:08:21 +0000 To:


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